Playing in the water and bringing the mermaid vibes can feel pretty amazing! And when you are ready to share that perfect mermaid photo, we have put together a list of the best short mermaid quotes for Instagram for you. So, if you are looking for mermaid sayings, we have you covered.
Now scroll through to find your favorite quote or saying.
Our Favorite Short Mermaid Quotes for Instagram
“I felt a little like a mermaid, rendered voiceless by her own longing.” — Seanan McGuire
“You’ve never tasted salty air on your tongue or waved heartily at a mermaid!” — Gideon Defoe
“The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever.” — Jacques Yves Cousteau
“People want to believe in mermaids.” — Christina Henry
“If you sing to the mermaids, they come when you’re drowning.” — Tori Amos
“Mermaids don’t drown.” ― Suzanne Palmieri

“But a mermaid has no tears.” ― Hans Christian Andersen
“Fishwives. Fishwidows. And we all set out to be mermaids.” ― Marian Engel
“The sea always filled her with longing.” ― Cornelia Funke
“As the sunlight flickered along her scales, the mermaid shimmered.” — Lisa Thompson
“I must be a Mermaid. I have no fear of depth and a great fear of shallow living.” ― Anias Nin
“Maybe I’m still the mermaid. Maybe the ocean is your hand.” ― Kelli Russell Agodon
“First of all, never call a mermaid a fish unless you’re trying to insult her.” ― Tiana Warner
“Make your story so beautiful, mermaids have trouble believing it’s true.” ― R.I.D

“She dreams of the ocean late at night and longs for the wild salt air.” ― Hannah Fraser
“She would be half the world away, floating in a turquoise sea, dancing by the moonlight.” ― Janet Fitch
“Like a mermaid in sea-weed, she dreams awake, trembling in her soft and chilly nest.” ― John Keats
“The Siren waits thee, singing song for song.” ― Walter Savage Landor
“I had never seen a more flawless specimen than this wild looking siren.” ― Meredith T. Taylor
“Newly come from the river, she knew nothing. She was a mermaid who had lost her way.” ― Pablo Neruda
“I just love mermaids. I was a mermaid in my past life. I just feel it when I go in the sea.” ― Ella Henderson
“And then I cried a flood of tears as if I really were a mermaid who had absorbed too much sea into herself.” ― Francesca Lia Block
“The sea waves stirred before me they dashed against the rocks. Like a mermaid rising from its depths curled white sea foam were her locks…” ― Giselle V. Steele
“Mermaid tears were treasure, meant to be guarded close to one’s heart. They brought wishes of true love and kept you safe.” — Kerry Lonsdale
“I’m always happy when I’m surrounded by water, I think I’m a Mermaid or I was a mermaid.” ― Beyoncé Knowles

“I’ve got a swimming pool and I pretend to be like a mermaid, like in the middle of the night. It kind of de-stresses me.” ― Rebel Wilson
“I often have the fantasy that curly girls are mermaids who have had to adapt to life on dry land. We come from the sea.” — Lorraine Massey
“We are the glamorous mermaids in the ocean that offers us another magical journey.” — Cinda Swalley
“Where there’s water, we find mermaids. Maybe it’s time we started asking ourselves exactly why that is.” — Mira Grant
“Be a mermaid who doesn’t stop until she makes tidal waves. be a mermaid who knows to stop before she devastates the world with her.” — Amanda Lovelace

“Maybe I’m still the mermaid. Maybe the ocean is your hand.” — Kelli Russell Agodon
“A mermaid has not an immortal soul, nor can she obtain one unless she wins the love of a human being. On the power of another hangs her eternal destiny.” ― Hans Christian Andersen
“If you are curious you might never come home, like all the men who now live with mermaids at the bottom of the sea. Or the people who found Atlantis.” — Jeanette Winterson
“Now and then a giggling trail of mermaids appeared in our wake. We fed them oatmeal.” ― Tove Jansson
“I would wanna be a mermaid, but I think I’m a little bit more of a unicorn, because I’m like a little bit more horsey.” ― Blake Lively
“The turquoise tide shimmered in shades of mermaid tails against the alabaster shore.” ― Karen Marie Moning
“What you have to understand about the mermaid legend is that it’s universal. No matter where you go, the mermaids got there first.” ― Mira Grant
“She is a mermaid on dry land and the world is her ocean. Her mind swims at a depth most would drown in.” ― J. Iron

“No siren did ever so charm the ear of the listener as the listening ear has charmed the soul of the siren.” ― Henry Taylor
“The mermaids came to me finally, in the pink hours of my existence. They are my consolation.” ― Sue Monk Kidd
“Way down to the bottom of the ocean to find where the mermaids sang, each to each. Where there was danger and beauty and light.” ― Marisha Pessl
“The last thing they want is for you to thrive in your habitat because they stand in their atmosphere where they beg and gasp for some air.” ― C. JoyBell C
If you like these, you might also want to check out our other lists of Inspirational Mermaid Quotes, Mermaid Captions, Ocean Captions, Short Sea Quotes and Wave Captions.
Mermaid Sayings
Mermaid soul
The ocean has my heart
Ocean is my favorite color
The ocean is full of untamed magic
I DO believe in mermaids!
Happiest when floating in the ocean
She dreams of the ocean late at night and longs for the wild salt air.
Sorry can’t. I have important mermaid stuff to do.
Secretly a mermaid

I wanna be where the people aren’t
We dream in colors borrowed from the sea.
Have a mermazing weekend!
The voice of the sea speaks to the soul.
The waves of the sea help me get back to me.
Girls just wanna have sun
Wild & free, like the sea
Life holds special magic for those who dare to dream.
Just like the sea I can be a little salty.

- I like to let the sea waves take me where they want me to go.
- Love you to the beach & back
- Home is where the beach is
- Followed my heart & it took me to the beach
- The waves taught me a little secret: what’s coming is better than what’s gone.
- Be the mermaid who fixes another mermaid’s crown without telling the world it was crooked
- So, this is the mermaid life

Its time to jump into the blue!
Good things come to those who swim
Pretty sure I was a mermaid in my past life.
There might are a million fish in the sea, but I’m a mermaid
Has anyone seen my mermaid tail?
Nothing but blue skies
Mermaid Hair don’t care!
Part-time mermaid
I dream of the ocean
Salty like the ocean
Stay wild, ocean child.
High tides & good vibes
My spirit animal is a mermaid
Little Mermaid. Big Dreams.

I’m done adulting. Let’s be mermaids.
There is no angry way to say bubbles.
Time to Shellabrate!
Saltwater cures all wounds.
The best days are sea days.
Say shello to my little friend!
Stay salty, beaches
I need some vitamin SEA
Aloha Beaches

A little mermaid magic can take you a long way
Today, I decided to make waves.
Beach, don’t kill my vibe
Don’t worry, beach happy
Don’t follow your dreams, SWIM AFTER THEM!
Back in the swim of things
Some people call me an aquaholic
BRB: Quitting everything so that we can be mermaids.
A splishin’ and a splashin’!

So much water, such little time
Eat my bubbles
Just keep swimming
Happiness comes in waves
It’s still magic even if you know how it’s done.
Seashells > Snowflakes
Finding comfort in the rhythm of the sea.
The ocean breeze puts my mind at ease
The ocean is where I belong
Mermaid at heart
Sorry the ocean is calling!
The ocean is full of untamed magic.
I wish I was a mermaid so I could sleep in the tub and not die.
There are a million fish in the sea, but I’m a mermaid.

If you’re ever feeling you down, just remember you are 50% mermaid!
We MER-MADE for each other!
‘Tis the sea-sun to make waves.
I can leave the sea but the sea never leaves me.
Resting beach face
Find me in the sea
Some people are just pure magic. That’s all.
Always keep that little place where the magic grows inside you, alive.
Smell the sea, Feel the breeze, Hear the ocean, Be at ease
The sea is mesmerizing me.
Beach more, worry less
The beach stole my heart
Always be yourself. Unless you can be a mermaid. Then be a mermaid.
I’m going to change the world, but today I’ll just be a mermaid.
Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it!
We mermaid for each other
Happiness is all about making your own waves.

Life is better when you’re swimming.
Don’t ever miss a chance to be sun-kissed.
Keep calm and go swim.
So this is the mermaid life
Happiness is pretending to be a mermaid in the swimming pool
Oh buoy – we’re having a splash bash
I don’t come from the sea, but I live in the water
Be a mermaid and make waves
Keep calm and let’s go to the beach
If there’s will, there’s wave
Ocean Air, Salty hair.
Believe in your own magic
Sometimes we need a little mermaid magic
Short Captions About Mermaids
- Total Merbabe
- Ocean child
- Ocean child
- Endless Blues
- You had me at aloha.
- Feeling Fin-tastic
- Shell yeah I’m a mermaid!
- My favourite day is a sea day.
- I was mermaid for this sea-sun.
- Mermaid Vibes

- Happy as a clam.
- Beach please.
- Don’t be salty
- Seas the day
- Let the sea set you free
- Beauty & the beach
- Where there’s a will, there’s a wave.
- The ocean calls
- The beach is calling
- Little miss magic

- Having a fintastic time
- Make your own sunshine.
- Keep calm & keep swimming
- Just dive in!
- Keep calm and swim on
- A splashing good time!
- You mermaid to go far
- If in doubt, swim on out.
- Life is water-ful

- Think less, swim more
- Mermaid off-duty
- Best fins forever
- Waves for days
- High tides, good vibes
- Seas the beach day
- The magic is in you baby.
So that is our list of quotes and sayings. We hope you found the perfect one for you.
Now go share your mermaid photo!

About the Author
Laynni Locke
I am Laynni Locke, a Canadian writer, reader and traveller with a passion for sharing life’s moments on social media. Keeping friends and family in the loop of our lives though photos and videos has become an essential activity for most.
And it doesn’t matter if you are travelling, celebrating a special occasion or just appreciating day-to-day life, when you take that perfect photo you are going to need the perfect caption or quote before you share it. Which is why we started Routinely Shares, providing comprehensive lists of quotes and captions to cover every occasion, adventure or loved one.
With extensive experience as a travel writer, social media specialist and grant writer, I have made it my mission to curate the best and easiest to use lists for your next post.