Spring is a lively, fun time, and to help you properly enjoy it we have put together a list of all the best funny spring puns for your next post. And if you’re looking for short spring jokes and one liners for Instagram, we also have you covered.
Now go ahead and browse through to find your favorite.
Funny Spring Puns
Spring is the best time to fall in love… with gardening!
Don’t be a rain cloud, be a ray of spring sunshine!
I was just pollen your leg
Spring has sprung, and so have I!
Spring fever is in the air, so let’s dance like nobody’s tuliping!
Thanks for my son-flowers
Let’s put a spring in our step and tackle the day!
Spring forward with a smile on your face!

Spring break has sprung
Here comes the sunflowers
Lettuce turnip the beet in this spring garden!
I tried to catch some fog in spring, but I mist.
Hopping into spring with bunny ears and cheerful cheers!
Last, bud not least
I ain’t dandy-lyin’
I always spring for the last cookie in the jar!
Time to stop and smell the flowers, it’s spring o’clock!
I love my little sprouts

Spring is nature’s way of saying, “Let’s party!”
I’m all a-bloom with excitement for spring!
Bloom baby, bloom
I’m all a-bloom with spring fever.
Spring: Where allergies and lawns engage in a growth race.
That’s a-may-zing
Spring showers bring May flowers: Let’s make it rain petals!
Because I’m having the spring-time of my life
Has he sprung the question?
He put the petal to the metal
Don’t let the bed bugs spring!
But you’re no spring chicken
Let’s make like a bouncy ball and spring into action!
I’m tulip-tastic about the springtime.

I can’t wait to spring this surprise on my friend for their birthday!
I’m so excited for spring, I’m just daffodil-ighted!
I’m so ready for spring, I’ve already got my tulips pre-pared!
Time to shake off the winter blues and get sprung for spring!
Let’s make like a tulip and bloom where we’re planted this spring.
Warm today, cold tomorrow
I be-leaf in you
Spring into action with flowers in their starting blocks, ready to race.
Blossoming friendships: the root of spring happiness!
They can’t all be winters
I’m so egg-cited for spring, I could just crack a smile!
You crack me up

I’m feeling grape-ful for the sunshine and flowers of spring.
Don’t be a daisy-ger, enjoy spring!
Get cl-over it
Spring is a time to stop and smell the flowers – just don’t pollen in love!
I’m just a hop, skip, and a jump away from loving spring!
My life is in full bloom
With a spring in his step, he danced through life like a daisy in the breeze.
He just needs a kick in the bud
Flocking to spring like a bird of paradise!
My garden is so lively in spring its like a spring concert for flowers
Spring has finally sprouted, and so have my allergies!
Spring is mint

Spring: where the world gets a fresh coat of paint!
Bought spring-loaded shoes, but my style didn’t bounce with them.
My allergies are in full spring!
I’m trying to spring into shape before summer rolls around.
Spring is the perfect time to plant some new ideas and watch them grow.
The grass is always greener in springtime!
Blossom by blossom, the spring begins.
It’s not just a season, it’s a spring-tacular event!
I was in a great mood, so I decided to ring in the spring!
Daisy me rollin’, they hatin’
You can poppy-n any time

I’m so excited for spring, I’m springing out of bed before sunrise!
A peony for your thoughts
That’s iris-istible
I think I’m going to spring for that fancy dinner tonight!
My enthusiasm for spring is springing eternal!
Don’t count your chickens before they bloom; count your tulips instead.
As spring approaches, his ideas begin to spring forth.
Spring into step
Let’s put a little extra spring in our step.
Spring has me feeling butterfly vibes!
Let’s put a little spring in our step and make it bloom-tiful.
That’s blooming great
Let’s turn over a new leaf
I’m so ready for spring, I could sprout wings and fly!

I lilac springtime
Don’t be a spring chicken, embrace the new beginnings of the season.
Business is blossoming
You look fresh as a daisy
Spring is a time for growth and renewal – it’s blooming lovely!
Spring is like a second cup of coffee for the year, it wakes everything up!
Spring has sprung, so lettuce romaine calm and carrot on.
That’s a bud omen
No rain, no flowers – embrace the spring showers!
Forget spring cleaning, it’s time for a blossom tidy-up!
I’m daisy-chained to my love for spring.
Thyme for some daffodils

Friend tried catching faucet water, got a spring shower instead.
You rose to the occasion
What springs to mind is daffodils
Spring into action with a floral flair!
Spring has sprung, and so have I… out of bed!
I’m so excited for spring, I wet my plants!
Spring has sprung, time to have some fun!
My lawn is so lush, it’s springing surprises every day!
You May get some flowers
Spring and summer rolls have different seasoning
Life’s too short to wait for the flowers to bloom, let’s make our own spring!
My plans for spring are springing into action faster than I anticipated!
Spring is here to put a little extra bounce in our days!

I’m bouncing into spring with a spring in my step and a smile on my face.
I haven’t botany flowers
What a re-leaf
Let’s hop to it and embrace the spring spirit!
Let’s shower ourselves with positivity and bloom this spring.
You’d bee mad too
Garden flowers springing into action faster than I can keep pace!
Don’t be a chicken, spring into action!
The birds in my yard are springing to life with their morning melodies!
Daylight Savings springs ahead
I’m feeling so fly this spring, I’ve got a real buzz about me.
Don’t be a daisy, be a dandy – it’s spring time!
My puns always spring laughter from my friends!
Don’t be a daisy deadbeat, enjoy the blooming season.
Let’s shed our winter coats and embrace the spring coats of petals!
Don’t leaf me hanging, let’s sprout together this spring!

As the king walked through the garden, he felt a sudden spring in his step.
I’m springing into action, leafing my worries behind!
The best time to plant a tree is in the spring – it really puts down roots!
I’m springing into action! But first, let me take a bumblebee.
Time springs eternal!
Ain’t no mountain high enough to keep me from enjoying spring.
I’m feeling spring-tastic today! Time to leaf all my winter worries behind.
Don’t you just love spring? It really puts a spring in your step!
A peony for your thoughts
Spring has sprung, so let’s hop to it and enjoy the sunshine!
Spring into action and let your colors show.
I’m not lazy, I’m just in energy-saving mode until spring hits.
Rain or shine, spring is my favorite thyme.
Hare today, gone tomorrow, it’s springtime!
Let’s make like a butterfly and flutter into spring!
The trees are re-leafed
Spring into action with some pun-tastic fun!

Let’s spring this idea on our boss and see what they think!
Sunshine and laughter: the perfect spring duo!
Its time to exercise away these spring rolls
Spring is nature’s way of saying, “Let’s have a bloomin good time!”
I’m so excited for spring, I’m already bouncing off the walls!
Hopping into spring like a bunny on a field of daffodils!
Let’s spring into the weekend with some fun activities!
In spring, every day is a blooming good day!
Let’s spring forward and make the most of this beautiful day!
I’m feeling so hoppy about spring, I could spring into action at any moment!
I’m feeling so springy today, I might just leaf for joy!
Feeling pollen-tastic: spring is the bee’s knees!
That’s a re-leaf!

As the snow melts in the spring, it becomes water under the fridge!
I’m spring cleaning my life one bad pun at a time!
That’s a budding romance
Spring: The ultimate re-surgence, as everything comes back to life.
She decided to release some tension by springing a spring.
You’re my favourite off-spring
I’m feeling positively spriggy in this spring weather.
Don’t stop be-leafing
I’m not a spring chicken anymore, but I can still hop to it!
I’m so excited for the spring season to spring into action!
You grow, girl
Spring is when you can finally put that winter blubber in hibernation.
I’m so excited for spring, I’m already fully bloomed with joy!
Bee-lieve in the power of spring!

Spring: the season that leaves you feeling sprout of this world!
I’m so excited for spring, I’m already plant-ing my outfits!
Leap into spring!
Spring is the season for rainbows and sunshine, so let your positivity rain!
The tulips are springing into season
Time for spring cleaning!
Time to turnip the heat and embrace spring.
In spring, I’m like a dandelion in the wind, ready to make some wishes!
Sunshine and tulips: The perfect spring bouquet!
Don’t just watch the flowers grow, be the sunshine this spring.
I’m trying to enjoy the spring weather, but it keeps raining on my parade.
I’m feeling on cloud nine as the spring showers bring flowers.
Let’s hop to it and spring into action!

Don’t be a chicken, embrace spring and let yourself hatch into a new mindset.
Spring: where every bud-y gets a chance to bloom!
I tried to make a pun about spring showers, but it just didn’t rain laughter.
I’m so ready for spring, I’ve already got a spring in my sentence!
April showers bring May flowers, and puns in full bloom!
Spring: the time of year when even the flowers get a little sun-kissed!
Funny Spring Jokes
What happens when you cross a dog with a flower? You get a collie-flower.
Why are frogs so happy all the time? They eat whatever bugs them!
Why couldn’t the flower ride a bike? It lost its petals!
Why did the farmer bury all his money? He wanted to make his soil rich!

What is the best flower for a boy to give his mother? A son-flower!
How excited was the gardener for spring? So excited that he wet his plants!
What does a flower call its granddad? Poppy.
Does February like March? No, but April may.
What happens when you tell an egg a joke? It cracks up!
What is a bee’s favorite type of flower? Bee-gonia.
Why is the letter A like a flower? A bee comes after it!
Why do people love purple flowers? Because they are simply iris-istible.

Did you hear about the flower that went on a date with the other flower? It was a budding romance.
Where do roses sleep at night? In a flowerbed.
How did the bee brush his hair?With a honey-comb!
What was the tree’s favorite drink? Rootbeer!
Should you plant flowers in April? Sure, May as well!
Why did the flower slip and fall? Because it was a whoosy daisy.
How can you tell the weather’s getting warmer? There’s a spring in your step!
What did the tree say to Mother Nature in spring? What a re-leaf!
What might you say if it starts raining ducks and chickens? This is some fowl weather!
What’s the best way to keep track of the flowers that have been planted using a spreadsheet? In rose.
What did the bee say to the flower? Hello, honey.
When is the best time to wash your Slinky? When you’re spring cleaning!

What do you call a rabbit with fleas? Bugs Bunny!
Why are oak trees so forgiving? Every spring, they turn over a new leaf.
What did the dad flower call his youngest son? Hey, bud.
When is it impossible to plant flowers? When you haven’t botany!
What would you call a well-dressed king of the jungle? A dandy-lion!
Why didn’t the rose want to get involved in the argument? Because it didn’t want to be stuck in a thorny situation.
How do you know that flowers are friendly? They’re always making new buds!
Why did the horticulturalist score top grades in gardening class? Because he was a blooming genius.
What do you call a flower magician that only knows one magic trick? A one trick peony.
What did the detective flower say to the bandit? Go ahead, make my daisy.
What is a chicken’s favorite vegetable? Egg-plant!

What do you call a bear who got caught in a spring shower? A drizzly bear!
What do you get when you plant kisses? Tulips!
How does a flower whistle? Using it’s tulips.
Why is spring the best time of year to open a flower shop? Business is blooming!
Why was the strawberry upset? He was in a jam!
So that is it for our list of Spring Puns, Jokes and One Liners. We hope you found the perfect one!
If you like these, you might also want to check out our other lists of Funny Spring Letter Board Quotes, Spring Break Captions, Spring Sayings, One Line Happiness Quotes, Funny Easter Letter Board Quotes, Short Happy Easter Quotes, Inspirational Spring Quotes, Funny Spring Quotes and Happy Birthday Puns.

About the Author
Laynni Locke
I am Laynni Locke, a Canadian writer, reader and traveller with a passion for sharing life’s moments on social media. Keeping friends and family in the loop of our lives though photos and videos has become an essential activity for most.
And it doesn’t matter if you are travelling, celebrating a special occasion or just appreciating day-to-day life, when you take that perfect photo you are going to need the perfect caption or quote before you share it. Which is why we started Routinely Shares, providing comprehensive lists of quotes and captions to cover every occasion, adventure or loved one.
With extensive experience as a travel writer, social media specialist and grant writer, I have made it my mission to curate the best and easiest to use lists for your next post.