Halloween is one of the best parts of the year. The air is crisp, the leaves are changing and its time to carve pumpkins, decorate, find the best costume and enjoy. We have scoured the internet to gather a list of the best happy Halloween quotes and sayings that are funny, cute or spooky. Whether you are looking for a funny Halloween quote to make you chuckle, a caption for your Halloween post or pics or to add some humor to your decorations you will find what you are looking for here.
Happy Halloween Quotes
“Halloween was confusing. All my life my parents said, ‘Never take candy from strangers.’ And then they dressed me up and said, ‘Go beg for it.’ I didn’t know what to do! I’d knock on people’s doors and go, ‘Trick or treat…No, thank you.'” —Rita Rudner

“On Halloween, the parents sent their kids out looking like me.” – Rodney Dangerfield
“Dear Great Pumpkin, Halloween is now only a few days away. Children all over the world await you coming. When you rise out of the pumpkin patch that night, please remember I am your most loyal follower. Have a nice trip. Don’t forget to take out flight insurance.” – Linus
“Wench! Trollop! You bucktoothed, mop-riding firefly from hell!” – Billy Butcherson, Hocus Pocus
“I dropped the candies into the children’s bags, thinking: You small mortals don’t realize the power of your stories.” – Karen Russell, Vampires in the Lemon Grove
“He had arranged the arms and legs in letters, and the letters spelled out a single small word: BOO. The three torsos were carefully arranged below the BOO in a quarter-circle, making a cute little Halloween smile. What a scamp.” – Jeff Lindsay, Darkly Dreaming Dexter
“I love Halloween, and I love that feeling: the cold air, the spooky dangers lurking around the corner.” -Evan Peters

“The witches fly, Across the sky,The owls go, ‘Who? Who? Who?’ The black cats yowl, And green ghosts howl, ‘Scary Halloween to you!'” – Nina Willis Walter
“From ghoulies and ghosties and long-leggedy beasties and things that go bump in the night, Good Lord, deliver us!” – Scottish Saying
“I might play with my cat and then go trick people to death.” — Scott Holstad
“There is a child in every one of us who is still a trick-or-treater looking for a brightly-lit front porch.” – Robert Brault
“Halloween is huge in my house and we really get into the ‘spirits’ of things.” – Dee Snider
“This Halloween the most popular mask is the Arnold Schwarzenegger mask. And the best part? With a mouth full of candy you will sound just like him.” – Conan O’Brien
“Must be the season of the witch.” — Donovan

“Relax, it’s only magic.” — Sarah Bailey
“In the sky the Halloween moon raced in and out of the clouds. The Halloween wind was blowing, not a blasting of wind but a right-sized swelling, falling, and gushing of wind. It was a lovely and exciting night, exactly the kind of night Halloween should be.” – Eleanor Estes
“Monsters are real, and ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win.” – Stephen King
“Shadows of a thousand years rise again unseen. Voices whisper in the trees, ‘Tonight is Halloween!’” – Dexter Kozen
“Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and cauldron bubble.” – William Shakespeare, Macbeth
“We make up horrors to help us cope with the real ones.” – Stephen King
If you like these, you might also want to check out our other lists of Short Halloween Quotes, Halloween Letter Board Quotes, Ghost Captions, Day of the Dead Quotes, Witch Captions and Devil Captions.
Funny Quotes for Halloween
“I see my face in the mirror and go, ‘I’m a Halloween costume? That’s what they think of me?’ ” – Drew Carey
“Halloween shadows played upon the walls of the houses.” – Eleanor Estes

“A person should always choose a costume which is in direct contrast to her own personality.” – Lucy Van Pelt, It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown
“Magic is really very simple, all you’ve got to do is want something and then let yourself have it.” – Aggie Cromwell, Halloweentown
“I’ve seen enough horror movies to know that any weirdo wearing a mask is never friendly.” – Elizabeth, Friday the 13th
“Halloween wraps fear in innocence, as though it were a slightly sour sweet. Let terror, then, be turned into a treat… ” – Nicholas Gordon
“If human beings had genuine courage, they’d wear their costumes every day of the year, not just on Halloween.” – Douglas Copeland
“When the witches went waltzing.” – Linda Williams

“Halloween is not only about putting on a costume, but it’s about finding the imagination and costume within ourselves.” – Elvis Duran
“I am a witch. A real house-haunting, broom-riding, cauldron-stirring witch.” —Samantha
“By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes.” – William Shakespeare, Macbeth
“‘Tis the night—the night of the graves delight and the warlocks are at their play; Ye think that without the wild winds shout, but no, it is they—it is they.” – Arthur Cleveland Coxe
“On Halloween, witches come true; wild ghosts escape from dreams. Each monster dances in the park.” -Nicholas Gordon

“I like to say I believe in ghosts so I don’t get haunted by one.” – Ella Henderson
“Witches don’t look like anything. Witches are. Witches do.” – Franny Billingsley
“I put a spell on you. Because you’re mine.” — Annie Lennox
“I want you to know that if I can’t be close to you, I’ll settle for the ghost of you.” — Justin Bieber, “Ghost”
Short Halloween Quotes for Instagram
“Sticky fingers, tired feet; one last house, trick or treat!” – Rusty Fischer
“Believe nothing you hear, and only one half that you see.” – Edgar Allan Poe
“Where there is no imagination there is no horror.” – Arthur Conan Doyle
“Never trust the living.” – Beetlejuice

“If you’ve got it, haunt it.” – Rose Pressey
“Clothes make a statement. Costumes tell a story.” – Mason Cooley
“I would die for her. I would kill for her. Either way, what bliss.” – Gomez, The Addams Family
“I see dead people.” – The Sixth Sense
“There’s a little witch in all of us.” — Aunt Jet Owens
“Halloween is an opportunity to be really creative.” – Judy Gold
“Listen to them—the children of the night. What music they make!” – Bram Stoker
“I put a spell on you because you’re mine.”- Jay Hawkins

“Things are never quite as scary when you’ve got a best friend.” – Bill Waterson
“I’m wicked through and through.” – Elphaba, Wicked
“It’s all just a bunch of hocus pocus.” – Max, Hocus Pocus
“There’s only 365 days left until next Halloween!” – The Nightmare Before Christmas
“Where my ghouls at?” – Monster High
“They’re creepy and they’re kooky, mysterious, and spooky.” – Andrew Gold
“Whatever you do, don’t fall asleep.” – A Nightmare on Elm Street

“I’m a mouse, duh.” – Mean Girls
“We have had our summer evenings, now for October eves!” – Humbert Wolfe
“On Halloween you get to become anything that you want to be.” – Ava Dellaria
“I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.” – L.M. Montgomery
“It’s alive!” – Frankenstein
“We’re just two ghosts standing in the place of you and me.” — Harry Styles, “Two Ghosts”

“Ghosts, like ladies, never speak till spoke to.” – Richard Harris Barham
“One thing vampire children are taught is, never run with a wooden stake.” — Jack Handy, ‘Deep Thoughts’
“He was like Superman, but with fangs and oddly impaired morals.” — Patricia Briggs
Spooky Quotes About Halloween
“It’s Halloween; everyone’s entitled to one good scare.” – Brackett, Halloween
“That’s the problem. He was dead to begin with.” – Ichabod Crane, Sleepy Hollow
“There is nothing that gives more assurance than a mask.” – Collette
“No blood, no foul.” ― Stephenie Meyer, Twilight
“Be afraid, be very afraid.” – Ronnie, The Fly
“Nothing on Earth so beautiful as the final haul on Halloween night.” – Steve Almond

“I’m friends with the monster that’s under my bed.” – Rihanna
“I’m a homicidal maniac. They look just like everyone else.” – Wednesday Addams, The Addams Family
“Every day is Halloween, isn’t it? For some of us.” – Tim Burton
“I’ll stop wearing black when they make a darker color.” – Wednesday Addams, The Addams Family
“A mask tells us more than a face.” – Oscar Wilde, Irish Poet
“It’s a full moon tonight. That’s why all the weirdos are out.” – Dani, Hocus Pocus
“Werewolves howl. Phantoms prowl. Halloween’s upon us now.” – Richelle E. Goodrich

“Well, fancy! We desire children.” – Winifred Sanderson, Hocus Pocus
“It reeks of children!” – Mary Sanderson, Hocus Pocus
“Have you come to sing pumpkin carols?” – Linus, It’s the Great Pumpkin
“Something wicked this way comes.” — William Shakespeare
“Witches were a bit like cats. They didn’t much like one another’s company, but they did like to know where all the other witches were, just in case they needed them.” ― Terry Pratchett
Halloween Sayings
“During the day, I don’t believe in ghosts. At night, I’m a little more open-minded.”
“I’ll bet living in a nudist colony takes all the fun out of Halloween.”
“Witch parking. All others will be toad.”
“Not every witch lives in Salem.”
“Trick or treat, bag of sweets, ghosts are walking down the street.”
“The dead rise again, bats fly, terror strikes and screams echo, for tonight it’s Halloween.”

“When the witches go riding, and black cats are seen, the moon laughs and whispers ’tis near Halloween.”
“I’m a witch every day. Not just for Halloween.”
“Hocus pocus. Time to focus.”
“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself… and spiders.”
“Witch and ghost make merry on this last of dear October days.”
“There is magic in the night when pumpkins glow by moonlight.”
Beneath this stone my wife doth lie. Now she’s at rest and so am I.
Here lies the body of Lester Moore. Three slugs from a forty-four. No Les, no more.

Here Lies Mozart. Decomposing
Here Lies Our Beloved Randy. Kicked the Bucket From Too Much Candy.
Shot in the head by a golfer’s gun. He sure put a hole in Juan!
Too much candy made Billy burst. They boxed up the pieces in the hearse.
William Gunder, Made one little blunder, Now he’s six feet under
Ghouls just wanna have fun!
This witch can be bribed with chocolate
Swish swish, witch

What’s up, witches?
Ghostest with the mostest
No tricks, just treats!
Keep calm and scare on
Don’t make me get the flying monkeys
Had a bloody good Halloween
Something wicked this way comes
Eat, drink, and be scary
We had a fang-tastic time!
Have a spooktacular night
Too cute to spook
Boo from the crew

Everything’s better with a little magic
Creature feature
Trick or treat yo’ self
Here for the boos
I have no body to dance with.
Came for the party, stayed for the boos.
Brrr… it’s cold in here. There must be some spirits in the atmosphere!
You can’t scare me I’m a ghost!
Had a spooktacular night!

Keep calm and carry a wand.
Can’t trick this treat.
Of course, we witches love the BOOs.
This is my resting witch face.
Nothing much. Just a basic witch.
What’s up, my witches?

I would like to give fangs to all my friends.
Sorry, you just seem like my blood type.
I’ve got a bat idea.
Funny Halloween Puns
Witchful thinking
Happy Howl-oween
A real witch is nothing without her ghoul friends
Ready, set, ghoul!
Absolutely fa-boo-lous
Ghouls just wanna have fun

Happy Hollow-ween!
Creepin’ it real
Howl you doin’, good lookin’?
My costume is eerie-sistible
Having a howling good time!

Be-witcha in a second!
Looking brew-tiful tonight!
Cutest pumpkins in the patch
Pumped for pumpkins!

Pumpkin kisses and harvest wishes
There’s a new pumpkin in the patch!
Let’s give ’em pumpkin to talk about
Time flies when you’re having pum-pkin
Chilling with the cutest little pumpkins
Pumpkin season has begun

Get yourself a pumpkin. It will never ghost you
I’m no Cinderella, but I know that pumpkins are magical
One pumpkin a day keeps the witches away
I’ve never met a pumpkin I didn’t like
Fall Quotes for Halloween
“Fall is my favorite season in Los Angeles, watching the birds change color and fall from the trees.” — David Letterman
“Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.” — Albert Camus
“It’s like going back to school. You know, autumn! Time for ‘Harry Potter’.” — Robbie Coltrane

“Why is summer mist romantic and autumn mist just sad?” — Dodie Smith, I Capture the Castle
“Autumn is the hardest season. The leaves are all falling, and they’re falling like they’re falling in love with the ground.” – Andrea Gibson
“October gave a party; The leaves by hundreds came, The Chestnuts, Oaks, and Maples, And leaves of every name. The Sunshine spread a carpet, And everything was grand, Miss Weather led the dancing, Professor Wind the band.” – George Cooper
“Bittersweet October. The mellow, messy, leaf-kicking, perfect pause between the opposing miseries of summer and winter.” – Carol Bishop Hipps
Pumpkin spice and everything nice

Tea and fuzzy socks season
These colors are unbe-leaf-able!
Stressed, blessed, pumpkin obsessed
Fall foliage is my favorite color
Happy fall, y’all!
Don’t stop be-leafing

Fall’s well that ends well
“I keep falling in love with October, Over and over again!” ― Charmaine J. Forde
“Listen! The wind is rising, and the air is wild with leaves, we have had our summer evenings, now for October eves.” – Humbert Wolfe
“October knew, of course, that the action of turning a page, of ending a chapter or shutting a book, did not end the tale.” ― Neil Gaiman
“I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers. It would be terrible if we just skipped from September to November, wouldn’t it? Look at these maple branches. Don’t they give you a thrill–several thrills?” ― L.M. Montgomery
“It must be October, the trees are falling away and showing their true colors.” ― Charmaine J Forde

“October, the extravagant sister.” – Oliver Wendell Holmes
“I wish that every day was Saturday and every month was October.” – Charmaine J. Forde
“October, crisp, misty, golden October, when the light is sweet and heavy.” ― Angela Carter
“Anyone could see that the wind was a special wind this night, and the darkness took on a special feel because it was All Hallows’ Eve.” – Ray Bradbury
“You don’t waste October sunshine.” ― Katherine Arden

“October proved a riot a riot to the senses and climaxed those giddy last weeks before Halloween.” ― Keith Donohue
“October, baptize me with leaves! Swaddle me in corduroy and nurse me with split pea soup. October, tuck tiny candy bars in my pockets and carve my smile into a thousand pumpkins. O autumn! O teakettle! O grace!” – Rainbow Rowell
“Ah, September! You are the doorway to the season that awakens my soul, but I must confess that I love you only because you are a prelude to my beloved October.” – Peggy Toney Horton
“October has broken my heart before…” ― Nitya Prakash
So that’s our list. We hope you found the quotes you were looking for.
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About the Author
Laynni Locke
I am Laynni Locke, a Canadian writer, reader and traveller with a passion for sharing life’s moments on social media. Keeping friends and family in the loop of our lives though photos and videos has become an essential activity for most.
And it doesn’t matter if you are travelling, celebrating a special occasion or just appreciating day-to-day life, when you take that perfect photo you are going to need the perfect caption or quote before you share it. Which is why we started Routinely Shares, providing comprehensive lists of quotes and captions to cover every occasion, adventure or loved one.
With extensive experience as a travel writer, social media specialist and grant writer, I have made it my mission to curate the best and easiest to use lists for your next post.